Thursday 13 April 2017

What we can learn from Mickey Mouse

At this time of year, most people are starting to think about summer holidays – in truth, most people have been thinking about summer holidays since the Christmas holidays…

A couple of years ago I took my family to DisneyLand in Florida – to be fair, it was not my first choice of holiday destination, but the kids wanted to go, and I am a sucker for an easy life…

However, I changed my mind, and now I would absolutely say that If you’ve never been to Disneyland, you should go!
And…..if you can, you should leave the kids at home!
Sure it’s marketed at kids in the main.
But you’ll have more fun going without them - trust me!
You’d be mistaken if you thought Disneyland was JUST another theme park - far from it.
You can actually learn a lot from the way Disney operate as a business.
There are not many places in the world that can boast a bigger average spend per person than Vegas – but Disneyland can!
And that’s including the Legal and Illegal activities  both in and outside the City!
(I refer to the activities of Vagas rather than Disneyland, of course)
There are many reasons they’re able to do this....
Firstly, they NEVER fall into the trap of thinking that their clients are ‘above’ or 'too sophisticated' for marketing.
Some of the businesses we work with believe that their clients are too sophisticated for their marketing and that their clients are too important to ‘fall for’ the marketing techniques that work on the rest of the world!

Disney don’t make this mistake - they know that as long as you’re selling to human beings, regardless of whether you are a child or an adult, whether your are old or young at heart, whether you are male or female, fat or thin, a stay at home mom or a busy executive - they have the same core factors of influence and the same emotional pulls
If you don’t believe me, then go to Disneyland and you will see that big important CEO of that blue chip corporate firm, that’s “too sophisticated” for marketing walking around in a pair of Giant Goofy shoes and Mickey Mouse ears, queuing to have their picture taken with Donald Duck (or rather, queuing to have their picture taken with some guy in a Donald Duck costume)
Don’t seem quite so sophisticated now do they?
One of my clients was recently surprised that he was able to connect with big important CEO’s' so easily on LinkedIn
He, like a lot of other business people thought that CEO’s would somehow be ‘above’ that sort of thing.
They’re not – we  are all humans
We all have red blood
We all breathe
And we all use the toilet.
I repeat - as long as you’re selling to human beings, regardless of children or adults; males or females; fat or thin; a stay at home parent; or a busy C level executive… They have the same core factors of influence and the same emotional pulls

So, if you want to kickstart your marketing effort and connect with the people you really want to do business with then call us today

You can contact us in all of the usual ways – by phone on 08456 894 894 for Executive Recruitment or 084 3289 3288 for Management Consultancy – by email at or

Or if you just want to check us out and find our what we do and who we do it with, then go to our websites at or

Until the next time, take care, be bold, and do good business

PS Ask us about our £800 Business Rebate which is being launched at the end of April*

*terms and conditions apply

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